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DNA Double White 双重美白

DOUBLE WHITE Technology 
就如 “一天一支美白针”

美白针,女性是市场上的大主顾,追求美的她们经常会光顾美白产品,但效果并不如他们所愿。来了解我们的 “双重美白” 吧!!

What is Double White?
There are many type of skin care products in the market which whitening effects that inhibit melanin. While age growth cells metabolism decrease and significant of aging occur. Hence some of the whitening skin care products in market difficult to fulfill consumer needs.

Double white formula is produced by advanced technology in powder form with molecules that can soluble in water and easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, skin looks fair and radiant.
What the effects of DNA Double White?
It contains variety of amino acid which helps skin become more fair, firm & radiant due to antioxidants. Meanwhile, it also helps repairing aging cells, restore vivo cells function, dilute of melanin, strengthen aging cells and improve liver function.

✦ 抗氧化保护基因 Antioxidant & protection of genes
✦ 修复受损基因 Repair damaged genes
✦ 延长细胞寿命 Extend the life of the cells
✦ 促进新陈代谢 Promote metabolism
✦ 全面活化细胞增强免疫力 
Activate cells, enhance immunity
✦ 延缓衰老 保持青春 提升精力 Anti-aging & maintain youthful looking, boost energy
✦ 改善白发 ,脱发及皮肤质素 Improve the condition of gray hair, hair loss and skin
✦ 改善过敏性问题 Improve allergic problems
✦ 增强心脏健康和心血管功能 Enhance heart and cardiovascular function
✦ 保护肝脏 Protect liver

 它的营养价值所在 Nutrition facts:
Every sachets of DNA contains variety of amino acid (L-Glutathione) as daily nutrients. Its nutrition facts equal to numerous of fruits which intake daily. Everyday one sachets can helps antioxidants and strengthen skin defensive.
DNA Double White 加了含有 L-Glutathione谷胱甘肽~~~
L-Glutathione ( 谷胱甘肽) 是一种小分子的肽,除了有一定的美白作用之外,另主要有护肝、抗氧化、解毒、清除体内自由基、延缓衰老等作用~~~

L-Glutathione (谷胱甘肽) 是人体内一种重要的抗氧化剂,它能够清除人体内的自由基,清洁和净化体内环境污染,从而增进身心健康。
Can u endure the pain? Sure u dont want.


L-Glutathione (谷胱甘肽) 有抗氧化、排毒、阻断黑色素同时可以让皮肤细胞再生的美白护肤功能。皮肤是人体最大的器官,随着年龄的增长体内谷胱甘肽会逐渐流失,导致皮肤内会有谷胱甘肽不足够防护紫外线的辐射的问题,所以必须靠外源性补充流失的谷胱甘肽,让皮肤得到有一定的抗氧化、排毒、祛斑、美白护肤的作用。
DNA Double White contains L-Glutathione that found inside every cell of the human body with highest concentrations in liver. It acts as detoxifier which helps the liver to process toxins, antioxidant, protects cells from free radicals and boosts the immune system.

It also helps DNA and protein synthesis which regulates both the nitric oxide cycle and the metabolism of iron. 

Glutathione levels in human body will decrease starting from age of 20. 

针对人群:Who need DNA Double White?
- 吸烟者 Smokers
- 30岁以上 30 years old and above
- 肝脏问题者 Liver problems
- 嗜酒者 Alcohol drinkers
- 抵抗力差 Low immune system

Quality Assure with product certificate
100% natural without side effects
Ambassador of DNA Double White - Yumi Wong
Pigmentation problems had been solved. Skin become glowing and radiant.

Testimonial from a mum: 
Imono products gave her a chance to become a pretty mum. Become more confidence. 

看到这张照片的你们,是否被吓了吗??? 哈哈。。就连我自己也被吓到了噢!!!真的。。 原来以前的我是很安娣,每天在家就是看顾孩子,做家务就连自己的形象也不顾了。我是一个很在意外表的女人,可能每天都为家庭忙碌而忽略了。

上个月去了公司了解产品后,就买了lamor2服用,服用了lamor2 10天后的效果,看了照片才知道。哗。。真的不一样了!!不久公司推出了Dna double white,我就买来尝试现在的我改变了很多也比以前更自信多了。
Imono 产品不但给了我美丽,也给了我事业,更给了我自信。谢谢 Imono 公司。

Yellowish skin tone, now become more white & glowing.
 惊人的效果!!! 就只是3天就见效了!
Result just in 3 days!! Amazing !!
DNA double white就是能做到这点!让天生黑皮肤的女人男人都可以得到梦寐以求的白雪雪,花润润的肌肤。
No matter who born with dark skin, DNA double white can help u to get radiant skin too.
Result from a customer that consume DNA together with B&h360.

一天一支 “美白针”

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