Cool Blue Outer Glow Pointer

Lamor 2 Q&A 常见问题

Q. 1盒Lamor2有几包?
A: 1盒有15包。  

Q: 要怎样喝Lamor2?
A: 刚开始喝,建议第一次拿两盒,一天喝一包;一个月之后,两天一包。 

Q: 如有血压高、糖尿病可以喝吗?喝了Lamor2 要隔多久才能吃血压高、糖尿病药呢?
A: 早餐前喝Lamor2,半小时后才吃早餐然后吃药,有糖尿病者建议不要喝超过一包Lamor2。    【如果要安全起见,建议最好先询问医生】

Q: Lamor2 要在哪个时间喝比较好?
A: 建议早上空腹喝【因为容易吸收】或者晚上睡前喝【因为晚上是修复时间】

Q: 怀孕时能不能喝Lamor2?
A: 不能喝。孕妇是因为成份中的-丝质氧基酸会调理女性荷尔蒙,所以不建议怀孕期间饮用,喂 母乳期间也不建议饮用,原因是,某些个人体质会在调理女性荷尔蒙期间造成母乳较少。

Q: 一定要長期喝嗎?停止會反彈?或者喝了看到效果之後可以不用每天喝嗎?
A: 不会反弹.如果喝了有效果,问题改善后.可以改为2天一包为保养。

Q: Lamor2 在来经期当中也是可以饮用吗?
A: 可以,帮助调养,建议经期第四五天才喝Lamor2,因为头几天经期流量比较大吸收不到.

Q: 吃减肥药能喝Lamor2 吗?
A: 可以。只要喝了Lamor2 后的1-2个小时再吃减肥药或晚上睡前三十分钟或1小时喝就好了。

Q: Lamor2 有分2种吗?Lamor 和 Lamor2 有什么分别?
A: 鱼胶原蛋白&大豆胶原蛋白,全部口味效果都一样。

Q: 请问马来人可以喝鱼的Lamor2 吗?
A: Lamor 2 盒子后面都有注明 HALAL 的。

Q: Lamor2 可以减肥吗?
A: Lamor2 不是减肥产品,但是有去水肿和帮助排毒..

Q: 怀孕时能不能喝Lamor2?
A: 不鼓勵。為了避免不必要的爭議。

Q: Lamor2 有副作用吗?
A: 无,Lamor2 是用天然材料制成的。

Q: 一定要長期喝嗎?停止會反彈?或者喝了看到效果之後可以不用每天喝嗎?
A: 不会反弹。。如果喝了有效果後可以繼續維持。

Q: 喝了 Lamor2 效果 ?
A: 效果不一定是在脸上,可能是其他地方的细皱纹,皮肤变滋润了,等等...

Q: 玻尿酸和胶原蛋白的功效
A: 胶原蛋白比不上玻尿酸的保持肌肤润滑和滋润的功效;玻尿酸比不上胶原蛋白的皮肤支撑功效。胶原蛋白比较适合衰老,受损的皮肤;玻尿酸比较适合缺乏水分的干燥皮肤。两者都很重要,因为人体里面都有胶原蛋白和玻尿酸的存在,两个都可以补充身体里面所需要的组织之一。 

Q: 有没有数据能证明 Lamor2 有玻尿酸?
A: 盒子后面的 Ingredients 有写,HA Powder = Hyaluronic Acid Powder.. 证明呢?那告诉他成分容量全部写出去,就等于把一个Coke 公开自己的秘方或者 KFC 公开自己的秘方...如果是你的话,你肯吗?

Q: Lamor 2 有医生证明书吗?
A: 卫生部批准的 PASS 是化验室证明 Lamor2 里面的营养成分,盒子后面也有写着一样的东西,可以告诉他盒子后面的 GMP 证明是大马卫生部代国际卫生部所颁发出来的,GMP 是1975年国际卫生组织所公布的"良好生产规范",医生证明书是公司的资产,不能随便拿出来以免不良商家滥用...若顾客还是不相信可以叫顾客拿盒子去和卫生部查看。

Q: 玻尿酸和胶原蛋白的功效。
A: 胶原蛋白比不上玻尿酸的保持肌肤润滑和滋润的功效;玻尿酸比不上胶原蛋白的皮肤支撑功效.胶原蛋白比较适合衰老,受损的皮肤;玻尿酸比较适合缺乏水分的干燥皮肤。两者都很重要,因为人体里面都有胶原蛋白和玻尿酸的存在,两个都可以补充身体里面所需要的组织之一 。所以,Lamor 2 有玻尿酸和胶原蛋白。

服用 Lamor2 的同时,一定要增加喝水量,才能让玻尿酸成分的发挥生理功能,让水分进入细胞间隙,并与蛋白质结合而形成蛋白凝胶,将细胞粘在一起,使正常的细胞代谢作用,锁住肌肤的水分,持续不断地保持肌肤湿润,维持皮肤水嫩、紧致状态,预防肌肤 松弛、皱纹产生,保护细胞不受病原菌的侵害,加快恢复皮肤组织,提高创口愈合再生能力,减少疤痕,增强免疫力等作用,是最理想的天然保湿因子!!

所以,服用 Lamor2 不补充足够的水分也不行喔, 成人一天喝水量是8大杯水,才能让Lamor2的功效发挥到最高!

Q : How many sachets per box?
A : 1 box 15 sachets.

Q : How to drink Lamor2?
A : We suggested you to buy 2 boxes for first time, 1 day 1 sachet; 1 month later, 2 days 1 sachet.

Q : Can high blood pressure patient and diabetes patient drink lamor 2? 
A : They both patients can drink lamor. Please drink lamor 2 first, then wait for 30 minutes, then eat breakfast, then eat medicine. I suggest diabetes patient don't drink more than a pack of lamor2 per day. It is always better advice from doctor.

Q : When will be the best time to drink lamor 2?
A : It is the same as how u drink the collagen drink. Please drink lamor2 when wake up from sleep at morning because stomach is empty is easy to absorb it. Or you can drink it before you go to sleep because night time is body cell repairing system is operating.

Q : Can pregnant woman drink Lamor 2?
A : Cannot because the ingredient of Lamor2 will adjust the hormone of woman. After pregnant, breast feeding time also cannot drink Lamor2, because the ingredient adjust hormone will reduce the breast milk. Unless she eat medicine pill to stop breast feeding then she can drink Lamor2, otherwise she will need to wait 1 month after breast feeding stop naturally itself then only can start drinking lamor2.

Q : Can girl drink lamor2 during period time?
A : Yes, can and it is good to drink lamor2 during period time because it can restore the health. Suggest to drink it on the 5th day during period time because first few days during period time is hard to absorb the nutrition of lamor2 into body thus waste lamor2 for nothing.

Q : Is it I have to drink Lamor2 everyday forever without stop? Will my skin become worse than before if i stop drink lamor2?
A : No, you don't need to drink it forever, you can drink it until you have satisfied with your skin condition then u can stop drinking it. Your skin won't become worse if you stop drinking Lamor2.

Q : Can Lamor2 slim down my body?
A : Lamor2 is not slimming product, but it can resolve swollen and help to clear the toxic inside body.

Q : Can I drink lamor2 when I am eating slimming pill?
A : Yes, you can. You can eat slimming pill 1 or 2 hours after drinking lamor2, or drink lamor2 at night 30 minutes before u sleep. It is better to get advice from your doctor.







Q6:什麼是好轉反應(Herxheimer Reaction) ?






Q1: Hyaluronic acid is a medicine or the original nutrients inside human body?
A1: Hyanulronic acid is the original nutrients inside human body. It contains about 15 grams of HA in average weight of a person in 70kg. 1 gram of hyaluronic acid can absorb moisture 500cc (16 times  of collagen).

Q2: Hyaluronic acid is extracted from animals?
A2: When science and technology was not developed well, hyaluronic acid is extracted from the connective tissue of vertebrates, such as comb, eye, umbilical cord, cartilage and other parts. Nowadays, with the development of technology, it made by synthetic hyaluronic acid, or ​​by the fermentation of glucose, also known as microbial fermentation.

Q3: Why do some people say Lamor ² contains hyaluronic acid ingredients, why are classified as food instead of drugs?
A3: Hyaluronic acid is already present in human nutrition, does not need to be classified as drugs.

Q4Why lamor2 not apply for MAL?
A4: MAL application is limited to medicines, Lamor ² is not medicine, so no need to apply.

Q5: Why do some people had a lot of acne after taking Lamor ²?
A5: It called “Herxheimer Reaction” in western medicine.

Q6: What is “Herxheimer Reaction”?
A6: It refers to the process of human physical body improving, it also a physiological response by the health sub-health arising gradually.

Q7: What is sub-health?
A7: Sub-health is the body in a critical state of health and disease.

Q8: What are the symptoms of Herxheimer Reaction?
A8: The original symptoms will slightly heavier; skin rash or itching grow, mild diarrhea or constipation, dizziness, headache, sleepiness or poor sleep, some parts of body pain, dry mouth , exhaust, sweat, etc., changes in blood pressure, decreased appetite.

Q9: Which Herxheimer Reaction is good or bad?
A9: Every responses will help the body get purification once. Continues taking products, health status will be improved.

Q10: How long Herxheimer reaction will maintain?
A10: It depend on physique of body.

Q11: If have good responses, should I continues to taking lamor2?
A11: You should taking lamor2 in a period. If results is very intense, you can reduce the dose.

If you still have any questions about other products, you can leave a questions or comments at here or straight call/sms us. We will reply u as soon as possible. Thank u very much!!

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